Ormskirk Cricket Club WINTER NETS

Another seasons's cricket approaches and the club has organised indoor nets for the U11-15 age groups on the following dates:
U11s (years 5 & 6): 4-5pm on 3rd, 10th & 24th Feb & 10th, 17th & 31st March – 6 SPACES LEFT (as at 23.1.19)
U13s (years 7 & 8): 5-6pm on 3rd, 10th, 24th Feb & 10th & 31st March – ONLY 2 SPACES LEFT (as at 23.1.19)
U15s (years 9 & 10): 5-6pm on 3rd, 10th & 17th, 24th Feb & 17th & 31st March NOW FULL
Female players are allowed to play a year down (i.e. year 7s can play u11s, year 9s u13s etc.)
Please note also that:-
we are limited on the numbers of places we have to avoid nets becoming overcrowded.
for the u13 and u15s on one of the weeks we will run an indoor game for the hour and so on Week 4 (10th March) it will be u13s only and on Week 5 (17th March) it will be u15s only.
The cost is £25 payable at the start by cash or cheque payable to Ormskirk Cricket Club.
If you want to put your name down please email wkrankin@btinternet.com with:
the name of your child
school year