President's appeal 2024

Dear Club Members and Supporters,
I thought it worth updating the membership and supporters on work underway at the Club.
The external picket fence has been replaced in all parts of the ground and has made a huge difference to the appearance of the Club. The verges at the rear of the Club have all been replaced with new linear verges and work has started this week on refurbishment of the ladies toilet with the gents following on when that is completed. External Painting will also begin this month.
As you will have seen from email my last week, the Club are reaching out to their Members and Supporters to help with the cost of refurbishing our Pavilion, so far we have received approximately £1500 in donations supporting the refurb and a very big thank you for all those who have contributed.
Extra expenses like this always puts a strain on finances, and every donation, large or small, makes a huge difference,
We do try to keep our membership as affordable as possible, but at times we need to reach out for that extra help.
The appeal will run all season and different events are planned to raise money for the appeal, which again I hope you will support.
As previously you will still be having the option to add a voluntary donation to your subscription, which will be for the same cause.
Thank you in advance for supporting us